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Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Really, how old is she? It would be difficult to answer this question if these women weren't so famous and constantly present in the media. They're simply ageless: Demi Moore, Cindy Crawford, Julia Roberts, Nicole Kidman, Halle Berry, Monica Bellucci, Madonna, Sharon Stone, Suzanne Somers, Sophia Loren, to name a few. Even in their 40’s, 50’s, 60’s and 70’s, their sensuality and seductiveness are stunning. Their beauty is characterized as perfect and “ageless”. That's why their appearance inevitably leads to the conclusion that satisfaction with life is not measured by numbers, but by beauty, energy and optimism.

So, what's the secret?

Could it be that all of their fame and money provide them with the best and most expensive cosmetic treatments? Unlimited amounts of dermal fillers such as Juvederm, Radiesse, Botox, Sculptra? Or other, overpriced revitalizing treatments - Fraxel laser treatments or Veneers Hollywood smile costing thousands of dollars? Does the secret lie in a certain regime of life or genetics, or is it hidden somewhere out of our reach?

An anti-aging therapy with bio-identical hormones is mentioned in the latest sequel of the movie “Sex and the City.” It actually reflects the benefits of bio-hormone therapy on Samantha (one of the main characters). Samantha overcomes all the inconveniences caused by menopause and remains the same vital, energetic, sexy woman she has always been. Perhaps, this is where the secret is hidden?

A bit of truth can be found in all the things mentioned above. Beauty always means taking care of ourselves, where all the possible ways for doing this are individual. Taking care of wrinkles and our physical appearance is necessary, but not crucial. A universal recipe doesn't exist, beauty lies in originality.

Now in her late 70’s, Sophia Loren still fascinates with her appearance and says the key to her beauty lies in the everlasting love of life, spaghetti and olive oil baths. She points out: "If the most beautiful young woman is not disciplined and does not take care of herself, she will eventually lose her beauty. On the other hand, as time passes, an average looking woman, who takes care of her body, becomes more and more beautiful.” The messy lives of today's young, rich and famous starlets like Lindsay Lohan and Britney Spears add credibility to Sophia Loren’s statement.

A healthy lifestyle which implies taking care of our own body, spirit and mind is the key to everlasting beauty. Take care of yourself and love yourself. You’re worth it!

Zvesdana Stosljevic, Ph.D., Adult Education
July 26, 2010

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